Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A more difficult droid to draw, but one of the better ones in the droid army.

The IG-100 MagnaGuard, or Self-Motivating Heuristically Programmed Combat Droid, was an advanced type of battle droid that was manufactured by Holowan Mechanicals and used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Ordered by Count Dooku, the MagnaGuards were designed to be General Grievous's personal bodyguards, although they were sometimes seen serving Dooku himself. The MagnaGuards were commissioned after the InterGalactic Banking Clan refused to hire Grievous's Kaleesh elite after securing his own services as an enforcer, and he demanded a cadre of "more intelligent battle droids" to serve him. Most MagnaGuards carried an electrostaff, but ranged models were also utilized, often specializing in dedicated weapons such as grenades, Bulldog rifles, RD-4 grenade launchers, and anti-vehicle missile launchers. Originally, the MagnaGuards were programmed with the optimum in combat techniques. As a result, Grievous had their minds wiped and trained them all individually in the seven classic styles of lightsaber combat. Once they were put to use, Grievous would not allow any repairs to be made to the droids, believing that their numerous scrapes and battle scars made them look more intimidating to opponents. Grievous would often engage his bodyguards in practice fights as part of training, and would often damage them in such fights.

My favorite character in the Star Wars universe. He's just plan out AWESOME.......but really hard to draw. I just wish that he could have been in more Star Wars movies besides Episode III.

Just a random comic I made. Grievous is really annoying to draw. I like Grievous and I like to pick on the droids. It seems that Grievous is almost always smacking off a droid's head.

B1 battle droids were battle droids that made up the backbone of the Trade Federation Droid Army and the Separatist Droid Army. It was the successor of the hunter-killer droid. B1s were perhaps the most numerous—and expendable—soldiers in galactic history, and, unlike most organic soldiers, they were capable of action in hostile environments like underwater or in space. They were designed, for the most part, to defeat their enemies through sheer numbers, not through their ability to think and utilize combat skills.

I find these one of the interesting machines used by the CIS.
The Armored Assault Tank (AAT-1 or AAT) was a medium-sized repulsor tank used mainly by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire. These vehicles saw service most notably during the Invasion of Naboo and the later Clone Wars. The AAT was formidable; it was augmented with heavy inches-thick frontal armor that allowed it to plough through walls, and had heavy weaponry. It carried a payload of 55 shells. The three standard-issue ammunition types were "bunker-busters", high explosive shells used for destroying enemy structures such as outposts; armor-piercing shells, used for penetrating heavy armor on tanks; and high-energy shells for anti-personnel and anti-vehicle use. As they are fired, these shells are surrounded in high-energy plasma, which improves their penetration and reduces friction, thus increasing speed. Its crew consisted of four battle droids (one commander, one pilot, and two gunners), and could also carry six B1 battle droids on the hand grips on the outside of the tank The commander typically sat inside the turret of the primary blaster cannon, while the gunners and pilot were positioned in the main hull of the tank. The gunners operated both secondary blasters, and the commander controlled the main turret. The OOM series commander was essential to the function of the rest of the crew; if the commander was destroyed, the crew would cease functioning, often causing the tank to drift out of control.

The Soulless One was the personal starfighter of General Grievous, used during the Clone Wars for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Soulless One was a modified Belbullab-22 starfighter, a fast and agile prong-shaped vessel. Grievous considered his fighter to be a vision of the future of warfare, with a powerful arsenal consisting of two sets of triple rapid-fire laser cannons. Grievous modified his fighter with a top-of-the-line hyperdrive, a powerful but compact HoloNet transceiver, a deflector shield, and had the entire hull coated in a thin layer of impervium, making the fighter impenetrable to all but the heaviest of enemy fire.

LM-432 crab droids
were battle droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. They were nicknamed "muckrackers" because of their extensive use in marshy terrain. Their name was derived from their six-legged scuttling movement. Ranging from three to twenty feet tall, crab droids could use its legs to attack infantry in its way. As well as their powerful pincer legs, LM-432 crab droids were armed with twin blasters. These blasters were capable of rapid fire and a powerful double blast.
The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I (also known as the Vulture-class droid starfighter or simply as the Vulture droid) was a droid starfighter used by the Trade Federation. Later, in much greater numbers, it was utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It participated heavily in the Clone Wars, at engagements such as the Battle of Kamino and Coruscant.

Like most of the Trade Federation's armed forces, it carried no living pilot, but rather a droid brain that was linked to a central control computer, often aboard a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship. Each Trade Federation battleship carried 1,500 such droid starfighters.